What is Project SEARCH and ACE/ACT Alaska?

What is Project SEARCH and ACE/ACT Alaska?

Alternative Career Education (ACE)

The Alternative Career Education transition program, or ACE program, has existed for 22 years and focuses on students who will be able to work and live independently in the community. The goal of ACE is to provide support for students with cognitive disabilities during their transition from high school to life in the community.  The program works with students on independent living, recreation and vocational skills, as well as inter-personal communication, and social behavior using a community-based vocational services approach. Each year, approximately 50 students are enrolled in ACE. These students have severe disabilities but are capable of working with less support and supervision. The students work in very structured environments without close supervision for periods of time throughout the day. Typically they are supervised by their teacher or teaching assistant on the job site. Students work their way through 6 levels by the time they leave the program at 22 years of age. ACE works with the students and their family so they are employed and living independently in the community when they graduate from the program.

Adult Transition Services (ACT)

The Adult Transition Services Program, ACT program, enrolls students into the program during their senior year and students immediately begin to work and travel with their Life Skills teacher and teacher assistant once a week to activities through the community such as bowling, shopping in a mall or grocery store, eating in a restaurant or opining a checking account. ACT students who need more support on the work site will on a team of one or two students and a teacher or teacher assistant. They travel together to the job sites and perform tasks together. When students apply for the ACT program it is similar to applying for a job. They prepare and submit a resume, letters of reference and complete an application. Most students show that they can be employed through their work in the program, are good candidates for Department of Vocational Rehabilitation when they turn 22 and are no longer eligible for services through the school district.

The ACE and ACT programs are almost entirely funded by the Anchorage School District. Grant money has been secured to fund a summer employment component so there is some continuity during summer break.

ACE/ACT staff members have established a list of “exit requirements” and work with the students and their families to accomplish them before they leave the program. Some of these requirements are students obtaining a bus pass, library card, registering to vote and applying for Social Security and public assistance. Students are also aware and connected to agencies that may provide them with additional services after they leave the school system. ACE and ACT host a graduation lunch attended by family, friends, school officials and school board members. All students who are competitively employed give a speech during graduation.

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH is a business led school-to-work transition program that takes place at the workplace.  The program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help youths with significant disabilities make successful transitions from school to productive adult life.  The presence of a Project SEARCH High School Transition Program can bring about long-term changes in business culture that have far-reaching positive effects on attitudes about hiring people with disabilities and the range of jobs in which they can be successful.

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